astrology & divination

about my practice


Astrologies are wisdom traditions based on witnessing a correlation between cyclical movements of celestial bodies and cyclical events on earth. For me, astrology is a practice of divination infused with story.

In preparation for your consultation, I'll spend some time with your natal chart, which is a map of the sky at the moment you took your first breath. When I sit with your chart, I’m asking the sky what story it wants to tell about you and your life.

Please remember that *you* are the ultimate expert on yourself and your life -- not me. I'll tell you the broad strokes I see, you tell me what it means. We ask together. We translate together.

My consultations are grounded in my training in traditional "Western" Astrology, which represents a hybrid of traditions from ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Egypt, which were appropriated by Greek astrologers starting around the 2nd century BCE, added on to, synthesized with Hellenistic cosmology and philosophy, and commonly practiced throughout West Asia, Southern Europe, and North Africa around the time of the Roman Empire. The tradition was also influenced and developed by practitioners in Persia (Iran), and is also pretty closely related to Indian astrology. With the rise of state-sponsored Christianity in Europe, astrology was forced underground in many countries, while continuing to flourish in the Islamic world throughout the Middle Ages. Over the past 2-3 decades, modern language translations of source texts written in Ancient Greek, Latin, and Arabic have brought many older components of western astrology back into fray. In my practice I work to engage with these wisdom traditions from a queer, anti-colonial, and contemporary perspective. It’s an ongoing and forever shifting process.

The Western tradition that informs my practice is just one of many ways of looking at and interpreting the sky — you get to take from our session what resonates for you.

I am a student of Demetra George, and offer her my deepest gratitude.

I look forward to working with you!